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The Street King by Michael Ludden

Get a signed copy of The Street King for $14.99, plus shipping. Just click the link below and order securely through Paypal.

Or just click a link below to get a paperback from Amazon for $14.99 or immediately download an e-book for Kindle or Nook for $2.99.

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Tate Drawdy by Michael Ludden

Get a signed copy of Tate Drawdy for $14.99, plus shipping. Just click the link below and order securely through Paypal.

Or just click a link below to get a paperback from Amazon for $14.99 or immediately download an e-book for Kindle or Nook for $2.99.

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Paperback at Amazon

Alfredo's Luck by Michael Ludden

Get a signed copy of Alfredo's Luck for $14.99, plus shipping. Just click the link below and order securely through Paypal.

Or just click a link below to get a paperback from Amazon for $14.99 or immediately download an e-book for Kindle or Nook for $2.99.

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Paperback at Amazon

Tales from the Morgue

Get a signed copy of Tales from the morgue for $7.99 plus shipping. Just click the link below and order securely through Paypal

Or just click a link below to get a paperback from Amazon for $7.99 or immediately download an e-book for Kindle or Nook for $2.99.

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Paperback at Amazon


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